CALL FOR BOOK CHAPTER PROPOSALS: Climate Change & Health Equity Justice


Framed using the political determinants of health perspective, this manuscript will focus on the historical, contemporary, and future impacts of climate change applying an intersectional lens of health equity, advocacy, and solution-based actions for marginalized communities, domestically and globally.

Current works highlight the deleterious impacts due to the climate crisis in under-resourced black, indigenous, and people of color communities. However, this book will advance the conversation of climate change effects on disproportionately impacted groups such as racial and ethnically diverse groups, religious groups, rural, immigrant and migrant populations, gender and sexual minorities, select age groups (e.g. children and aging populations), people living with disabilities, people living with mental and behavioral health illnesses, and others, within the nexus of the social and political determinants of health, while providing actionable steps towards reversing current and avoiding further propagation of inequities.

For additional information contact:  Dr. Maisha Standifer at [email protected]

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